
I have been on my path many years; during the last six I was inspired to write poems to describe my spiritual experiences. When using prose I was never satisfied because it was impossible to really capture what happened. After all how can someone describe the divine? With poetry I could convey the feelings and emotions of what happened – well as good as I could while living in this plane! The last 6 years were a very turbulent time for me because I was confronting my shadow self. It was also a time of major growth for me, a spiritual roller coaster of amazing highs and terrible lows that were almost unbearable. The Goddess Kali is a very loving mother, but also a very tough teacher, all I could do is cling to here to get through it. At the time I did not understand why I had to go through those experiences, but now that it is over it is all very clear why. The process made me a much better stronger person. I decided to share these poems to show others who are struggling, that sometimes things seem horrible and cruel, but if you hang on to the Goddess she will always end up blessing you. Don’t give up.

Thank you Mother,  Jai Ma!

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